Janson PDR Blog

Professional paintless dent removal training courses

One of the many services we provide at Janson Paintless Dent Removal is professional training in the actual trade.

The paintless dent removal training we provide is certified and internationally recognised, and is of only the highest standard.

We have 37 years’ worth of experience in the motor vehicle and paintless dent repair industry, 18 of which were spent working on world wide prototype for Volkswagen Head office, in Wolfsburg Germany.

We have completed the PDR instruction course and received the skilled training certificate in PDR training; guarantying our students a globally recognised qualification.

Our training course provides students with personalised one-on-one training, this ensures the learning pace, capabilities and understanding of our students are catered for, as we pride ourselves on producing only the highest level workmanship and skill.

The purpose of our paintless dent removal training courses is to develop and produce skilled and professionally trained individuals needed in attending to insurance and hail damage claims.

Paintless dent removal techniques require a vast amount of skills; technicians are required to have good eyesight and a natural feeling for detail.

The PDR trade demands that individuals have great precision and abilities with tools and control of them.

It is also vital to have a high sense of commitment to mastering the trade as it necessitates a technician’s full dedication and attention.

The course focuses on repairing dents in doors, bonnet and boot lids, fenders, back panels and car rooftops.

Apprentices will also be taught glue techniques, basic information on panel beating and various metals.

In the following article we will be speaking about the importance of having good quality paintless dent removal tools and promoting the tools we use and sell.


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